
"Comfort women" statues as symptom of Wiederholungszwang of Japanese revisionism

Photo downloaded from the Facebook page of the “Comfort Women” Justice Coalition

Another nightmare for the Japanese government and its supporters : another memorial of "comfort women" was unveiled on the 22nd October 2017 in San Francisco. "This would be the first 'comfort women' statue in a major U.S. city", says the Washington Post.

As a Lacanian psychoanalyst, I would say that this international multiplication of the symbol of Japanese war crime committed in WW II is exactly the symptom of Wiederholungszwang (compulsion of repetition) in function of Verdrängung (repression) of culpability on the part of Japanese people.

As far as there are Japanese negationists and revisionists who will not recognize as such atrocities the Japanese Imperial Army committed in Korea, China and Southeast Asia, that nightmarish symptom will not cease to be written (ne pas cesser de s'écrire, as Lacan formulated for definition of "necessary").

There is no help for that, because there are few psychoanalysts in Japan. 

Or if there are few psychoanalysts in Japan, it is because Japanese people prefer sleeping in their dreams idealizing their country. Their favorite proverb says : "Don't wake up a sleeping child".

Luke S. Ogasawara

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